I live in Redondo Beach, California and people are constantly encouraging me to run for mayor. “O.K.” one or two of my drinking buddies mentioned it. Frankly, I am sprinting away from this idea. It’s not that I hate politics, but I think that reasonable people should do something useful with their lives.
If I was confused about what life is about, if I had no useful skills, if I changed my positions like my bedroom linen, if I had no philosophical underpinnings for my beliefs, or, most importantly, if I was a war hero, of course I would enter politics. What else could I do?
Look, there are many decent politicians who are smart and caring, just like many members of the NRA. The big problem that I have is that I would feel compelled to listen to the majority of my constituents all of the time, and that I find revolting. I can barely listen to myself or my dentist most of the time, let alone thousands of other people. You see, it’s damn hard to be a politician if you are an independent, thoughtful thinker. It’s hard, but not impossible. See John McCain or the late, great Daniel Patrick Moynihan. But, it’s truly rare. No matter how wide-eyed idealistic you are the office seems to wear you out.
I am originally from Minnesota, and we had many years back a terrific congressperson in a guy named Tim Penny. He was wildly popular but he abruptly decided not to run for re-election not because he had lost his way but because he could no longer handle the partisan bickering that goes on in Washington. He thought it was a waste of his time and was repulsed by what he saw. Politicians, he said, were more concerned about getting re-elected than in doing what needed to be done. How McCain and Moynihan made it through so many terms is unbelievable. Maybe because their names both start with M and end in N, I don’t know. There must be something mystical going on here.
Good people will say that I am the one who is jaded, that politicians make major contributions to our society and our way of life. I suppose so, but at what cost to their beliefs and to their souls? They have to salute their party and vote accordingly or campaign funds from the party will dry up. Who wants to live this way unless you’re former Senator Hillary Clinton? You give me any political issue and I guarantee you that I will tell you Hillary’s position 100% of the time. This valedictorian from Wellesley has lost her ability to think on her own. Come on, Hillary, do you really believe every position of your party? If so, just mail in your vote since there is no reason to make an argument. She thinks she is idealistic, but this is its opposite. The word “idealistic” comes from the Greek word meaning “Ideas”, which in Plato’s Republic meant those real truths achieved after vigorous argument and yes, wisdom. Following Hillary’s course you just need the most recent Democratic newsletter. Hell, she became a member of Obama’s team after lambasting him for years!
No, politics is not for me. It would beat me to death. I would rather be crucified. And, if you have seen The Passion of the Christ, that is most unpleasant business, even worse than politics.
1 comment:
After being on this planet over 50 years it seems to me the world is a stage and politicians are the ultimate actors. Let's give them credit for mastering doubletalk and convincing the masses genuine values are actually part of their platform.
I think Nancy is right up their next to Meryl. The only difference being Streep has an Oscar and Pelosi is in waiting.
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