Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Casey Anthony Fair Trial?

Casey Anthony is going to go on trial shortly. She cannot get a fair trial because of all of the publicity. But, who cares? Her lawyers do, but their cries will go unheeded. Think of Hitler. Let’s say that he did not kill himself in that bunker with his mistress but instead was captured and tried by the Allies. He would not get a fair trial either for his slaughter of 6 MM Jews. Who cares?

Some people are so notorious, so loathsome, so beyond the pale of evil, that their nefarious actions are chronicled by many responsible recorders of news. Any prospective juror will be prejudiced by all of these outrageous commentaries. But, what’s the alternative? Claim that Anthony cannot get a “fair, unbiased” trial and let her go? Of course not. In cases of Anthony and Hitler and Eichman fair trials are irrelevant. We know the bastards did what they purportedly have done and we judge them accordingly. To claim that the jury is prejudiced because of all the publicity is akin to the child who killed his parents begging the court for mercy because he is an orphan.

But, let’s not mislead anyone. The jury is still prejudiced. The jury has still predetermined a verdict. But, the hell with it, it’s “O.K.”, this time.

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