Monday, April 13, 2009
Locking Up 12 Year Olds
Proponents for this type of sentencing for juveniles repeat the mantra that “if you do an adult crime, you should receive an adult sentence.” Apparently, these people would also view the situation the same even if the murderer was seven.
People against this form of sentencing, including me, believe that the requisite level of intent which is necessary for a murder conviction is simply lacking in the vast majority of juveniles. One must comprehend one’s act and I don’t believe a 12 year old is capable of that, and surely not a seven year old. Of course, there is that rare ten year old that may have the ability to formulate intent just like an adult would, but should we have an ironclad rule just because one in a thousand might fit it?
This entire debate reminds me of the real crux of the pro-choice, pro-life issue: When is the embryo a human being and afforded protection of the laws? Pro-choice people say that happens at birth or shortly before birth, and pro-life people say it happens at conception or shortly after conception. This debate will never be solved even 3,000 years from now because it revolves around subjective definitions of what is a human being. You can argue birth, and you can also argue conception it seems to me, and the debate cannot be resolved by empirical data alone. It’s the subjective interpretation of that data fraught with spiritual and moral issues that is the genesis of the debate.
Can seven year olds intend their actions? No, you say. What about ten year olds? O.K., what about 12 year olds? 18 year olds? Sure, no problem there. So if we do have a universal rule for cognitive intent we know that the age is somewhere between seven and 18. I pick 16. Why? No special reason other than that I think we should always error in our rules in the light most favorable to juveniles. Should we try as adults the occasional 12 year old who the team of doctors says was capable of intent? I think not. The doctors’ opinion is also subjective and subject to debate. You will find another team of doctors who reach the opposite conclusion. Thus, let’s come up with an age and stick to it regardless of the heinous nature of the crime; which is of course, the real reason why we think we should suddenly deviate from common sense and send a 12 year old to life in prison.
An Alcoholic Brother
His wife is divorcing him for the obvious reason. She demands that he walk around with a better brand of vodka than Phillips.
Really, I have to laugh or I surely will go as nuts as Rich and you see, Richard was the model sibling. He studied to be a Jesuit priest for 11 years then left one year before ordination. My parents used to spend hours discussing the first Mass that he would say and what chalice they would buy him to consecrate the sacred wine.
He doesn’t need a chalice now, apparently he doesn’t even need a glass. He just needs a bottle.
He has a PhD in psychology and is 61 years old. None of us know what demons are haunting him. He was always a little weird but nothing like these past few months.
Right now he is in a Dallas jail because of a probation violation for a drunken driving charge.
Thank God my 93 year old Mother has Alzheimer’s or she would surely kill herself if she knew what was going on. Richard, the perfect child, has gone crazier than a shithouse rat.
When he gets out of jail he will be homeless because he has been court ordered out of his home. I am thinking of flying to Houston and trying to find him an apartment.
I doubt if I will.
Rich has not been close to anyone in the family for more than 30 years. He once said that he “divorced his family” when he entered the Jesuits and he has been true to his word. I barely know him anymore and I have absolutely no idea why the hamster fell off of the treadmill in his head.
O.K., I will probably make an attempt to “rescue” him, but I know that I will fail. Rich is pompous and contemptuous of everyone, particularly his little brother whom he always viewed as an annoyance before he ran off to join God when I was 13.
I believe he will be with God shortly, as he quickly and deliberately poisons his body from life.
NBA Gangsters
The NBA needed Jordan to restore some degree of honor and professionalism to this New York hip-hop playground atmosphere gone crazy. Fans are losing interest. TV ratings are down. Nobody gives a damn if Shaq makes that free throw, or if Kobe raped that Denver woman. The players are for the most part uneducated, dramatically over-paid, pampered freaks and the arenas are their carnival tents.
I used to love pro basketball. I watched the Celtics, Knicks and Lakers all the time. Wilt, Russel, Walt, Willis, Magic, Larry, Earl the Pearl, these were the heroes of my youth. Classy guys on the court and off, who played a fabulous game without tattoos, steroids, or a punk’s attitude.
Who cared if Jordan came back? We all should, but we know it’s too late. It’s David Bowie at the Alamo, way too outnumbered. Jordan can’t rescue this mess, the NBA wrecked it when they allowed the hoodlums to rule, and left the rules to the hoodlums. Where have you gone Elgin Baylor, a clueless league turns it’s desperate eyes to you? John Wooden doesn’t deserve to watch this monster. Thank God he says he doesn’t.
Anti Semitism
I saw the Passion of the Christ for the first time the other day. The most important lesson that I learned from it is to avoid crucifixion at all costs. Yes, the movie is bloody and difficult to watch. No, you should not take a child under 14 or so because he already gets enough violence playing video games. Yes, it is riveting but almost maudlin if you are not a Christian, and no, it is not anti-Semitic. More on this later.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What's up with SAT's
People who do well in high school tend to do well in college regardless of their SAT score and
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Death and Taxes
Let’s talk about estate taxes because I am really steaming. Bush tried to eliminate estate taxes. The Bush logic was why on earth should people be taxed merely because they died on money that has already been taxed at least once. The deceased and her heirs are being punished for the poor person dying. Makes sense to me, but I’m not Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gates, or Ted Turner, all of them billionaires and all of them outspoken critics of the estate tax elimination. In brief, their argument is that just because somebody is wealthy should not give that person the right to pass on all of her money to whomever she pleases. Buffet and Gates and the rest of these kooks think that the government should get the money. Why, did the government earn it? No. Then why does the government deserve any of it?
Their argument has a special appeal to people who believe that just because your parents or grandparents are wealthy does not mean that you should be entitled to this wealth. It smacks of royalty and dynasties, perpetuating legendary family names like Rockefeller and Kennedy. We Americans are not Europeans, we don’t believe in royalty and that stuff. Now look, I’m just as repulsed , and “O.K.” jealous, of the trust fund baby who never has had to work a day in his life, never did, and waltzs between his haunts in Monte Carlo and Aspen, looking down on us working blokes from his Gulfstream IV. But, you know, life is unfair and some people are simply luckier than others. What about the guy who worked 60 hours a week for 50 years, but just kept making the wrong decisions and/or was unlucky, verses the 25 year old .com idiot who got thousands of people like the first guy to invest in his idea, sold out in two years for 50 million and left the rest of us with shattered dreams and empty bank accounts. Should this 2nd guy be forced to give the first poor schmuck some of his .com millions if he did nothing illegal? I don’t think reasonable people would say so. It’s just another example of life that is unfair.
In addition, Soros, Buffet, Gates and others come across as pretty disingenuous about this whole matter. Remember, these guys are billionaires. What do they care if the government gets a billion or two, as long as they can pass the rest on to their chosen heirs? Now, if anyone of these guys were to leave all of his money to charities and not one penny to spouse,children, grandchildren, or friends, and never gifted one penny to them when he was alive, I would say that they are not disingenuous—however they are still dead wrong.
Depression and Homicide
Monday, March 30, 2009
Souless Politicians
I live in
Illegal Drugs Made Legal
A majority of folks would probably like to ban alcohol and nicotine and make it illegal. But, we tried it once with alcohol with disastrous consequences. We have never tried it with smoking but reasonable people would have to conclude that the same result would obtain. There would be a huge black market for cigarettes, prices would at least double, and shady characters would reap the benefits. Somehow, and I don’t think that I am alone, I would rather have Philip Morris and their ilk reap the benefits from their habit forming, dangerous products than the shady characters.
Now, the shady characters, of course, control the illegal drug business. One may argue that if the illegal drugs were legal, the shady characters and all of their trappings, influence, and crime would go away. This is probably right. After all, why should certain drugs of choice like alcohol and nicotine be legal, and not heroin and cocaine? Nicotine is more addictive than either heroin or cocaine, and together with alcohol kills more people than heroin and cocaine combined and ruins more lives and families.
Let’s be logical though. Just because we screwed up with alcohol and nicotine doesn’t mean that we should let all of the horses out of the corral. We tried to bring alcohol back to the corral and it didn’t work. It won’t work with nicotine either.
What are we afraid of by making illegal drugs legal? That we will become a nation of drug addicts? Perhaps. But, that doesn’t say much about us, does it? Is the only reason that we’re not all screwed up on drugs is because they are illegal, expensive, and we can’t buy them easily at a 7-11? I hope not, and I seriously doubt it. If you want illegal drugs, they are just around the corner.
Here’s my solution to this mess. Let’s make illegal drugs legal by prescription at age 18. In other words, you can’t buy them over the counter like nicotine or alcohol; you need to see a physician. Yes, I know, this is easy to get around, you shop around for the right doctor, and then you give them to minors anyway, just like is done today with cigarettes and alcohol. But at least it puts a doctor in between the purchase. Look, education is the only thing that is going to work with alcohol and nicotine, and the same is true for illegal drugs. The war will not be won by banning them, because they will still be prevalent and shady characters will benefit.
Moderation, of course, is the key. Two or three drinks a day or five cigarettes a day are probably not going to harm anyone or society at large. Just like taking cocaine one day a week or heroin once a month would probably yield the same innocuous results. The problem is the constant, habitual taking of the drugs. This is what ruins lives and families and costs the U.S. so much money. If a person had to go to a doctor to get the drugs there would at least be a mediating effect on the user. Maybe, just maybe, the user will finally get the message. I just don’t see any other way that makes sense.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Is Email Destroying Mankind?
Now that the tech stocks have taken a bath, and the Old Economy doesn’t look so bad anymore, I now have the courage to weigh-in on something that most people think is the best new thing since the pony express: E-Mail.
I just don’t get it, and never have. Sure, I have an e-mail address. I don’t want one, but I need it because there are a few people I know who communicate these days only by e-mail. Here’s my question. What’s wrong with the telephone, voicemail, and answering machines? Old Economy, antiquated stuff is the answer you’ll get from the e-mail junkies. “O.K.,” let’s compare the two. COST - Granted that e-mail is only a local call away and you can send something to
Oral communication and social interaction is who we are, why go back to the cave? Think about the people who developed all of this. Let’s be charitable and say that it was not the captain of the basketball team or the captain of the softball team, or the person who plays the lead in Grease. It was geeky, socially awkward nerds who instead of going to the dance Friday night were writing code alone in their room until 3 AM. Amazingly, these people have changed our culture. Are these the people we want changing our culture? I think not. Look, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs seem like good guys, but I don’t think they would score very highly on any test judging sociability and extroversion. Now, introverts are people too. But, do we want a nation of them? Do we want them as our sociologists changing the way we behave and interact? Of course, not. Advantage: Phone BUSINESS - I was dismayed to read a few months ago that Jack Welch, the legendary CEO and former Chairman of GE, was now sending his own e-mails when he was at GE. He was finally bullied into it by Scott McNealy, CEO and Chairman of Sun Microsystems who sits on the GE board. Now, as a shareholder of GE, I do not want my CEO wasting his valuable time doing this. I want him dictating letters much more quickly to his secretary just like in the old days, or better yet, dictating it into a hand-held machine and leaving the tapes for the secretary. How is e-mail more convenient for Jack Welch, how does it free up his valuable time, when he spends 30-60 minutes depending on his typing ability sending a seven page memo? Dictate it in 10-15 minutes, let the secretary type it up and mail it or fax it or even e-mail it!
In my last real job, my boss, the President of the Company, took great pride in predicting that several years from now there would be no secretaries because they wouldn’t be needed. He was proud of the fact that he could type 50-60 words a minute and did all of his own memos by e-mail. I often times would walk into his office and catch him in the middle of a three to five-pager. Why wasn’t he talking to customers, why wasn’t he out visiting the plants and the employees? He was holed up in his office just like the sophomore nerd on a Friday night. Look, before you think I’m a Luddite, I am for every technological change that either enhances life or frees up our time to do things we enjoy. ATM’s and fax machines are wondrous. No more bank visits and fewer trips to the mail box or post office. But, this e-mail thing is just not a big advance except for cost and that is fading away.
Next time you have a big presentation to a potential customer in New York, forget the plane ride and the hotel costs and dinner with them the night before, and tell them you’ll e-mail them the presentation since that is the most cost effective, modern way of doing things - and watch your competitor establish a relationship with this customer and get the business. Advantage: Phone.
E-mail has its place. Sending a memo to all 35,000 employees in an instant or “communicating” at 3 AM with someone in
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Casey Anthony Fair Trial?
Casey Anthony is going to go on trial shortly. She cannot get a fair trial because of all of the publicity. But, who cares? Her lawyers do, but their cries will go unheeded. Think of Hitler. Let’s say that he did not kill himself in that bunker with his mistress but instead was captured and tried by the Allies. He would not get a fair trial either for his slaughter of 6 MM Jews. Who cares?
Some people are so notorious, so loathsome, so beyond the pale of evil, that their nefarious actions are chronicled by many responsible recorders of news. Any prospective juror will be prejudiced by all of these outrageous commentaries. But, what’s the alternative? Claim that Anthony cannot get a “fair, unbiased” trial and let her go? Of course not. In cases of Anthony and Hitler and Eichman fair trials are irrelevant. We know the bastards did what they purportedly have done and we judge them accordingly. To claim that the jury is prejudiced because of all the publicity is akin to the child who killed his parents begging the court for mercy because he is an orphan.
But, let’s not mislead anyone. The jury is still prejudiced. The jury has still predetermined a verdict. But, the hell with it, it’s “O.K.”, this time.
Corporate Greed & Corruption
It’s now fairly clear that corporate corruption will continue in this country. Steven Scrushy, former CEO of HealthSouth, was found innocent by a moronic jury a few years ago, similar to the moronic jury that let Michael Jackson go free a while back. Five, that’s five, former CFO’s testified that Scrushy was well aware of phony numbers reporting and directed the CFO’s to report the phony numbers anyway.
The jury didn’t seem to care. They did not believe the former CFO’s. The defense claimed that there were no documents that demonstrated that Scrushy knew or gave such orders. As a former executive, let me clue in the moronic jury on how it works when hanky-panky is going on in a company.
The CEO is not stupid enough to put illegal activity in writing. Instead, they walk into the CFO’s office and orally tell them what to do. There will be no smoking gun. But, why would five former CFO’s all lie? Scrushy, of course, did not take the witness stand in his own defense.
Is it just me or are other people losing confidence in the jury system? The government believed that it had an extremely strong case. It certainly appeared so. But, the moronic jury probably did not understand most of the testimony and let the guy go free. In complicated business cases we should probably change the law and mandate that a jury trial is not available to a defendant. Or, in the alternative only have a jury pool that truly is a pool of the defendant’s peers, i.e., business executives who understand what the hell is going on. Some out of work truck driver is simply incapable of understanding complex business litigation. Justice is not being served here, it is being subverted, and the crimes will continue unabated to the detriment of shareholders throughout
Obama Boycotted
this year President Obama will deliver the commencement address. Notre Dame always gets all the Presidents. They come to get the Catholic vote when they run for re-election.
However, Obama is the subject of a boycott because he is pro-choice and recently reversed a Bush executive order banning embryonic stem cell research. Both of these positions are contrary to Catholic dogma, hence the boycott by the Cardinal Newman Society which is the right wing of Catholicism.
I am certain that past speakers supported birth control. this is also a no-no in the religion. But, no boycott. In fact the current Pope said in Africa this week that the use of condoms actually contributed to the spread of AIDS in that continent. This ridiculously, stupid remark was roundly criticized by everyone except Santa Claus.
the point is this: Notre Dame should be a University first, and a Catholic University second. It accepts Jews, Protestants, and Muslims and even atheists who do not condone many or any of the Catholic Church's teachings. This is the right thing to do. This boycott is contrary to what a University is all about: a vigorous debate and unfettered censorship of even unpopular views. If Notre Dame bows to the bigoted pressure and rescinds its offer to the president, I am canceling my 50 billion dollars in bailout money I recently pledged to them.
The AIG Fiasco and GM Too
It's really very simple. The government should have let AIG go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The Federal Bankruptcy judge would almost certainly have canceled the contracts that mandated the payouts. Remember, federal bankruptcy judges can do anything. They can trow out contracts, modify contracts, etc. and nobody can voice a peep.
After that was done the judge could then go to the government and say, "Hey, unless AIG gets 170 billion dollars soon it will have to go into liquidation, Chapter 7. "The government then could do what it has done and give AIG the 170 billion without all this angst, and the unbelievable, unconstitutional bill in the House of Representatives taxing 90% of the recipients bonuses. You see, this action is called a Bill of Attainder. A Bill of Attainder targets a group of people because the government doesn't like them. This has been illegal for roughly 200 years but apparently there are no lawyers in the House that have read or understand our Constitution. We as Americans should even be more outraged by this Bill than we are with Nancy Pelosi's plastic surgeon.
O.K., so the government screwed up. why did AIG go ahead with the payments? First, it was bound by contract. Secondly, it is my understanding that the contract said that if the specified bonus was not paid on a date certain that the bonus amount would triple by the terms of the contract. Actually, if I were AIG's lawyers I would have advised the company to pay them too. AIG's other argument that it could not lose these valuable idiots who ruined the company is less compelling. Where are they going to go? Lehman Brothers? Bear Stearns? Merrill-Lynch?
If you are a fancy derivative trader on Wall Street today you are about as needed as a three legged race horse. A lot of these people are physicists who can't even spell business. what the hell are they even doing there in the first place? they should be explaining string theory and nano technology to nerds at MIT and not running or ruining our economy.
Much of what I have said above applies to GM. Rick Wagoner, CEO and Chairman, doesn't want the company to go into Chapter 11 because he believes no one will want a GM car if the company is in Chapter 11. Rick, let me tell ya something buddy, no one wants your cars anyway! Besides, after Rick told Congress this nonsense a USA Today poll a couple of days later said that more than 60% of Americans would not consider GM's bankruptcy a factor in purchasing an auto from GM.
Why Wagoner doesn't want to go Chapter 11 is pretty simple. Why go chapter 11 when you can scare the hell out of Congress with the loss of 4 million jobs and Congress keeps giving you taxpayer's money!
If Congress had the guts to say "No", Gm would go into chapter 11 and the UAW workers and the retirees would finally stop making what an M.D. General Practitioner makes when he graduates with $100,000 in debt. A bankruptcy court judge would put an end to this largesse which has gone on for at least 35 years. I am sorry Union guys but putting a bumper on a car correctly just doesn't equate with diagnosing cancer in the minds of most thinking Americans.
The American car industry will die if it doesn't become competitive with the Japanese car makers who manufacture cars in this country regardless of the bailout money. Rick Wagoner must have a brother-in-law making $100,000 working in the plant putting int the spark plugs on a GM truck.
Just like AIG let the Federal Courts make the tough decisions that these cowards, yes cowards, are incapable of making to preserve value for the shareholders which should be the ultimate goal, and this clearly is not the goal of Liddy, CEO of AIG, or Wagoner of GM. Their goals remain a mystery to everyone but them.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Smiling Layoffs
What bothers me about all of this is the euphemisms that are constantly used. In the Old Economy days of yesteryear, people were “fired” or “laid off”. But in the 90’s the H.R. people became more involved and couched the firings or lay-offs in more gentle terms: “downsizing,” “right-sizing,” and the most misleading of all “re-engineering.”
So, what’s wrong with putting a better spin on unpleasant business? Nothing, except that it seems dishonest. It’s like calling children with mental retardation “gifted.” They are not gifted. They are unfortunate, tragic results of the wrong DNA. Who among us would want this “gift?”
Getting fired or laid off is miserable stuff. To launder it in deceptive jargon doesn’t make it any easier on those affected. When your cheese moves, it still hurts regardless of what name you put on it. I would rather be told, “Look Tom, we’re laying you off because market conditions have changed and we can’t afford you anymore.” It’s more direct and it’s more honest. And I don’t want it said in an upbeat, smiley way either. The employer should be morose with a hint of scotch on her breath to brace her for what should be the most difficult thing that she does. The mood should be as somber as a Requiem High Mass and not happy like a retirement party. The person is not voluntarily leaving, he is being told he is no longer wanted regardless of the reason. The H.R. types tell employers to emphasize it’s not personal, it’s only business. But as Michael Correlone taught us years ago, it’s always personal. So, next time you have to fire someone, pretend that you’re at a funeral, because the person you’re firing just felt like he died.
God and Evil
Let’s forget about (1) because almost any definition of God includes that she is all-good. Hence, if God is not all-good, she really isn’t God. (2) is more interesting. Maybe God can’t do anything about evil. Maybe evil was not created by God but chosen by beings of free will, whether they be Angels or humans, and man’s God is stuck with it. This isn’t as silly as it may first appear. Maybe there are certain attributes of nature that were not created by God but evolved from less perfect beings exerting the choices that we all make with free will. Or, maybe there is a deity that represents evil or created evil and God and the deity are peers when it comes to power so God can’t overthrow this thing called evil.
Let’s examine (3). While we participate to some degree in God’s divinity since he created us, we obviously are less perfect than God in every way and we cannot as mortals perceive his Divine plan and thus we call things evil that if we were God we would not perceive as evil. This is basically the Roman Catholic position that I was weaned on. It made some sense to me in Sister Marie Francis’s 2nd grade class but threw me straight into agnosticism by the time I was in college. Nobody can explain to me how the maiming and killing of innocent children somehow works in God’s overall plan. Again, how can God be all-good with this kind of macabre plan? But this argument is not so easily dismissed. If you believe in Heaven, and if you believe that these children who are killed go there immediately after death because they are innocent, are they not luckier than we miserable bastards who are left on earth to constantly struggle? You know the old saying, “he or she is in a better place”. It’s a plausible argument. How about this one, though. What about the five year old who contracts cancer and lives in constant pain for the next five years before succumbing? How is this suffering in any way a good for God, the person writhing, or those of us mourning who are left behind? Maybe evil is at work here and God can’t do anything about it. Certainly the five year old did not choose the fate or earn the fate, unless you are a Hindu or a Buddhist, or believe in karma, and certainly the parents didn’t choose or earn this fate for their child, unless you believe that the sins of parents are somehow visited on their children.
No, the only thing that makes sense to me is (2) above. God either screwed up in the creation process and Evil somehow came out of this mishap, and now he can’t fix it, or God has nothing to do with Evil and is powerless to stop it. In either event, the conclusion reached is that God is not all-powerful. Any other suggestions?
Stealing Magazines
The publishers over the years have tried to thwart this behavior with plastic over wraps, but I have even seen people remove the wraps right there and start reading.
I’m always tempted to offer these people some money, not to be kind, but to humiliate them in front of others. We lack good humiliation these days. I’ll bet someone would stop doing this if he were so humiliated.
So, come on, knock this off. It’s disgusting and beneath you.
Return Policy for Adopting A Child?
We keep reading about cases where a birth mother chooses to arrange for the adoption of her child upon birth and then one week, one month, or one year after the birth states that she has changed her mind and wants the baby back.